Guarding the Three Treasures: The Chinese Way of Health
by Daniel Reid
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The holistic approach to health from bestselling author and leading expert on Eastern philosophy and medicine, Daniel Reid.
Daniel Reid is an expert on Taoist philosophy and medicine.
This is his companion volume to 'The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity', but can be read independently as an introduction to the practice and philosophy of Taoist health care.
The three treasures of Taoist medicine are essence, energy and spirit: the physiological and psychological components of good health. The Way of Tao is the way of harmony with nature, a dynamic balance of yin and yang. Maintaining this balance in your own mind and body will strengthen your immune system and build up your general health.
Whereas Western medicine attempts to fix the affected body part or organ when something goes wrong, Chinese medicine takes a holistic and preventative approach and lets you take charge, through diet and exercises, of your mental and physical wellbeing.

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