Super greens:
the power of wheat grass, spirulina and barley grass powders
Wheat grass, Barley Grass and Spirulina consumption has sky rocketed in the recent years throughout the world, especially in western countries as more and more people learn about the magical health benefits from super greens.
They are called Super Greens in health circles because of the rich, highly potent and readily absorbable nutrients that are contained in these powders.
Super greens contains a prolific array of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, trace elements, chlorophyll, enzymes, proteins that are readily absorbed by the body.
Magic of chlorophyll
Chlorophyll, which is an inherent property of all green plants, is very similar to hemoglobin. In fact, their molecular structure is nearly identical. This similarity makes it easy for the body to assimilate.
Chlorophyll increases the hemoglobin count of the blood. Hemoglobin is the oxygen-binding substance in blood. More hemoglobin translates to a more oxygen rich blood.
Chlorophyll aids in the rebuilding of the blood stream.
For example, animals with a low red blood cell count that were given wheat grass had a healthy blood count level within five days.
In addition, chlorophyll detoxifies the blood of drug deposits and de-activates carcinogens. It also stops bacterial growth in the digestive tract as well as the production of yeasts and fungi. Chlorophyll eliminates bad breath and acts as an internal body deodorant.
Wheat grass powder
Wheat grass powder is a very rich source of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, trace elements, chlorophyll, enzymes and amino acids. It is a rapidly assimilated natural source of energy. 
Wheat grass is the young plant before it produces grain and is the most nutritious of all cereal grasses. It needs to be cut and dried immediatly to prevent the rapid loss of nutrients.
Wheat grass is available as dried and meshed leaf, which is the most commin form available or juiced and then dried. The juiced and dried form is more potent, so long as manufacturing and storage process ensures that potent nutrients are not lost. The only juiced and dried process that does this is the original one as devised by V.E Irons for the Vitratox range over 60 years ago.
Wheat grass powder can assist in boosting energy and vitality, potentially increases detoxification helping to maintain the correct acid-alkaline balance. Wheat grass powder can also help in promoting bowel and gut health.
Wheat grass is very is high in chlorophyll and minerals. Wheat grass can absorb 90 out of 102 available nutrients found in rich soil.
The enzyme content of fresh wheat grass is impressive. The benefits of these enzymes directly affect the functions of the intestine and bowel. They aid in the assimilation of food and loosen debris in the lower bowel. Regular elimination of fecal mater is vital to bodily health. Wheat grass contains an antioxidant enzyme, supper dismutase (SOD). Antioxidants protect the cells from free radicals in the blood that cause damage to cell structure. SOD protects against cellular mutation, and is threrefore useful in the treatment of aging and degenerative diseases.
Wheat grass in general is an excellent blood purifier as well as an energy booster. Wheat grass contains glycogen, which is quickly translated into energy. This energy is sustainable and does not result in the "roller coaster effect" experienced after consumption of simple carbohydrates like refined sugar. To experience this quick energy boost it is important to consume wheat grass juice on an empty stomach or with a bit of real fruit juice, as long as it does not have added sugar.
MP's (mucopolysaccharides) found in the carbohydrate structure of wheat grass, and micro algae as well, are found to strengthen bodily tissue. They also lower cholesterol. This strengthening of bodily tissue includes the tissue in the heart and arteries. It also causes the arteries to dilate and improves blood flow.
An additional enzyme in wheat grass is P4D1. This enzyme stimulates the renewal of nucleic acid (RNA/DNA) and acts as an anti-inflammatory. This is especially beneficial for those suffering from arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. Wheat grass benefits inflammatory conditions in several ways. It reduces toxins in the blood that collect around the joints and cause pain; strengthens damaged bodily tissues; and prevents inflammation.
Spirulina (blue-green algae) powder
Micro algae are aquatic living organisms found on the surface of lakes and seas. These plants are very small and are measured in microns (millionths of a meter).
Spirulina is a species of micro algae that is blue green in color and spiral shaped. In these tiny plants are found the highest levels of chlorophyll, protein, beta-carotene and nucleic, more so than any other plant or animal food.
Spirulina is a plant that can be cultivated in a controlled environment, their producers can alter the mineral content of their environment, which in turn affects the mineral content of the product. In other words, depending on the environment, Spirulina can also be an excellent source of essential minerals.
Spirulina is one of the highest sources of chlorophyll.
At 68%, it is also one of the highest source of protein,
The protein found in Spirulina is also more digestible than any other source.
Beef protein, for example is only 20% digestible where as Spirulina protein is 95% digestible. In this way, a person can eat less, yet the body's protein cravings will be satisfied.
Believe it or not, Spirulina can even reverse aging. It is rich in gamma linolenic acid (GLA) and nucleic acid (RNA/DNA). Nucleic acids are the building blocks of cells, and GLA assists in cellular renewal. The amount of nucleic acid in the body directly affects the rate of regenerating of cells. The amount of nucleic acid in the body also decreases with age. Other contributing factors to nucleic acid loss are a lack of exercise, poor diet and stress. It is therefore vital to the health of the body to replenish these stores.
An important aspect of Spirulina is the blue pigment, phycocyanin. This blue pigment is very rare in foods. It has shown to inhibit the formation of cancerous cells. In this way it helps to stop the spread of cancer in the body.
Barley grass powder
Barley grass, (Hordeum vulgare) is one of the well-known green grasses that are considered to be the most nutritious.
The true nutritional benefits are found in the young grass leaves. These leaves are harvested and processed into the final product.
The leaves contain many of the vitamins, minerals, and proteins necessary for the human diet.
Barley grass is considered a whole food concentrate that is close to its natural state supplying the nutrients we require in a natural proportion.
The colour reflects the abundance of chlorophyll and the similarity to other dark leafy vegetables.
Constituents of barley grass powder
Eighteen amino acids are found in barley grass including: Alanine, Arginine, Aspartic acid, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Proline, Serine, Threonine, Tyrosine and Valine.
All 8 of the essential amino acids are found in Barley grass. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, which are the major constituents of our body and are necessary for the continual cell building, cell regeneration and energy production that are necessary for life.
There are high amounts of vitamins and minerals in barley grass leaves. The vitamins found in Barley grass include beta-carotene, folic acid, pantothenic acid, vitamin B1, vitamin B2. vitamin B6 and vitamin C. The minerals include potassium, calcium. magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus. manganese and zinc.
There are many important enzymes found in Barley grass including the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the new antioxidant 2''-O-glucosylisovitexin (2"-O-GiV). 2"O-GIV has been isolated and reported to have antioxidant activity equal to or superior to vitamin B. Barley grass is also rich in chlorophyll content.
Uses of barley grass powder.
Barley grass is a whole food providing many essential nutrients that act synergistically together optimising bodily functions. Chlorophyll and other essential nutrients act synergistically in barley grass to detoxify the body from destructive toxins such as heavy metals and pollutants that we digest every day. Chlorophyll also has anti-inflammatory properties. Barley grass can be easily absorbed throughout the digestive tract, giving our body access to vital nutrients.
Many of the vitamins, minerals and enzymes present in Barley grass act as powerful antioxidants protecting our body from free radical damage, enhancing our immune system and improving cardiovascular health. Barley grass is a rich source of dietary fibre which is good for colon health and regularity. Sports people and others who need more energy have used barley grass; it provides them with a nutrient rich food that is also packed with energy. Barley grass is naturally alkaline and it helps to neutralise excess acidity in the body when consumed.
Benefits of barley grass.
Research in Japan and other countries suggests that barley grass powder can be beneficial in asthma, obesity, skin rejuvenation, anaemia, arthritis, gastritis, peptic ulcers, diabetes, cellular damage from x-rays, heart disease and hepatitis.
Suggested dosage for super green powders
Mix 1-2 teaspoons of Supergreen Powder into juice, smoothie, salad dressing or other food. Once or twice daily.
Best taken on an empty stomach and ensure six glasses of water daily.
Children 1/2 to 1 teaspoon daily.
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