Medical Study Reports of Ionized Water


This information is for reference and educational purposes only. Purified water (ionized alkaline or acid) is NOT a treatment for any medical condition. If you have a medical condition, please consult your doctor for specialist medical advice. Alkaline water is just purified and restructured tap water (without any chemicals or acid molecules in it); it has no medicinal substance in to to cure any disease condition. Microwater, like fresh air or good food will help with general health and is used as such by health practitioners, but it is not a substitute for medical treatment.

If you have a medical condition please seek specialist medical advice.


A. Medical case studies

    1. High Blood Pressure
    2. Gynecological Conditions
    3. Heart Disease
    4. Eczema
    5. Allergy
    6. Digestive System problem
    7. Diabetes
    8. Obesity
    9. Hypochlorhydria or achlorhydria


B. Livestock (large scale dairy trial results)


C. Clinical Studies on the use and Effects of Alkaline ionized (reduced) water

I. Ionized Alkaline (Reduced) Water Study Abstracts

1. Influences of alkaline ionized water on milk yield, body weight of offspring and perinatal dam in rats.

2. Histopathological influence of alkaline ionized water on myocardial muscle of mother rats.

3. Degradation of myocardiac myosin and creatine kinase in rats given alkaline ionized water.

4. Influence of alkaline ionized water on rat erythrocyte hexokinase activity and myocardium.

5. Effect of alkaline ionized water on reproduction in gestational and lactational rats.

6. Impact of extra waters on immunosystem in mice

7. Selective stimulation of the growth of anaerobic microflora in the human intestinal tract by electrolyzed reducing water.

8. Water desirable for health in terms of ORP (oxidation-reduction potential) to pH relationship

9. Influences of alkaline ionized water on milk electrolyte concentrations in maternal rats.

10. Electrolyzed-reduced water scavenges active oxygen species and protects DNA from oxidative damage.

11. The mechanism of the enhanced antioxidant effects against superoxide anion radicals of reduced water produced by electrolysis.

12. Protective mechanism of reduced water against alloxan-induced pancreatic beta-cell damage: Scavenging effect against reactive oxygen species

13. Electrolyzed hydrogen-saturated water for drinking use elicits an antioxidative effect: a feeding test with rats.

14. Effects of supplementing of calcium, iron and zinc on women's health during pregnancy (alkaline minerals - not about ionized water)

15. Supplementation with alkaline minerals reduces symptoms in patients with chronic low back pain (alkaline minerals - not about ionized water)


II. Clinical Study Reports on Reduced (alkaline) water

1. Physiological effects of alkaline ionized water: Effects on metabolites produced by intestinal fermentation

2. Clinical evaluation of alkaline ionized water for abdominal complaints: Placebo controlled double blind tests

3. Effect of Electrolytic Water (Ionized Water) Intake on Lifespan of Autoimmune Disease Prone Mice

4.Effects on metabolites produced by intestinal fermentation

5. Reduced Water for Prevention of Diseases

6. Clinical Impovements Obtained From The Intake Of Reduced Water

7. Effects of alkaline ionized water on formation & maintenance of osseous tissues


D. Clinical Studies on the use and Effects of Acid ionized (oxidized) water (80+ abstracts covering dental, clinical, medical, horticulture and household applications)


E. Drinking Water Chlorination Studies

1. References

2. Recent epidemiological studies

3. Recent papers on exposure and uptake

4. Recent studies in laboratory animals

5. Recent review papers


F. Pharmaceutical drugs and Personal Care Pollutants in water

1. Emerging chemicals of concern: pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in Asia, with particular reference to Southern China

2. Occurrence and fate of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in biosolids

3. Occurrence of pharmaceutical contaminants and screening of treatment alternatives for southeastern Louisiana

4. Ecotoxicology of human pharmaceuticals


G. Japanese TV 'Miracle Water' Documentary (Transcripts)

1. Prevent Food Poisoning from Bacteria

2. Electrolyzed Acidic/Alkaline Water in the Medical Field

3. Agricultural Chemicals Replaced by Water!

4. Diabetes and Miracle Water

5. Gangrene Cured by Strongly Oxidized Water

6. MRSA (Methecillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus), Eradicated by Hyperoxidized Water

7. Wondrous Water Cures Atopic Dermatitis (Children's Atopic)

8. Wondrous Water Cures Atopic Dermatitis (Adult Atoptic)

9. The Key is Water for Agriculture

10. Stomach and Deodenal Ulcers Treated with Hyperoxidized Water

11. Hyperoxidized Water Effective as a Disinfectant

12. Sterilization of Dental Equipment to Prevent Infections

13. Organic Agricultural Method for Safer & More Delicious Produce.