Primary Perception and Mind DetoxThe Emoto Water Messages/Crystals photographs, the Dr. Mu Shik Jhon and other research is evidence that not only is pure natural water good for us, but also why 'Mind Detox' is so important; your mind will create poisons in your body if you think poisonous thoughts. Conversely, if you think loving thoughts your body will reflect this at the molecular and cellular levels.
It is my belief that the same primary perception that has been observed in plants, the cells in our body and in sub-atomic particles is available to us, but our mind is making too much noise that we don't realise it, we don't perceive it. We focus our attention far too much on what we consider to be the 'real' senses. In fact, I suspect that this phenomena that has been labelled 'Primary Perception' is the first direct evidence the Oneness that is behind all things. It has been demonstrated that at the building-block, sub-atomic level all things are illusory. There is nothing solid in the universe. It is only solid (ie exists as a particle at the building block level) because of the mind. This is why mind detox, moving into silence (mental) or moving into the Now is so vital. It is the only way out of the illusion. Also, while we are in the illusion, it is the way to make this illusion more pleasant too! So, either think no thoughts or if you must think, think only good, pleasant thoughts. |