by Sang Y. Whang
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Editorial Reviews (from
From the Author
As a scientist and an inventor, I discovered the simple scientific truth about aging. And the real delight is to find out that the aging process can be reversed! I wrote this book to share my discovery with others in the hope of reducing some of the mis ery of aging. Although the book tends to be technical, it is written in a simple and easy-to-understand manner for the general public. In the eight years since its publication, and with several thousand copies in the hands of medical professionals, nobod y has challenged my theory of aging and reverse aging. I receive telephone calls from all over the world thanking me for writing this book. There are many offers to translate it into other languages.
From the Back Cover
The accumulation of acidic waste products within our body is the process of aging. Therefore, removing old, stored waste is reverse aging. When we think of "health," we think of diet and exercise. Diet and exercise help our body dispose of waste products. However, they are very difficult to stay with and they are not as effective. Now science has made it simple and easy to remove acidic waste products that are within our body, and the method is more effective than diet and exercise. The true "Fountain of Youth" was right under our nose all the time. Learn the scientific processes and devices available for "Reverse Aging." No need to accept "Aging" as a fact of life. Anybody can do it!
Sang Whang is an engineer, scientist, and inventor with many US patents. His fields of expertise span many different areas such as data communication devises (modems), electronic filters, chemistry, water, cornea measuring devises, multi-focal contact le nses, etc. An improvement of his own health without medicine, diet or exercise caused him to investigate the phenomenon and led him to the discovery of his theory of "Reverse Aging."
About the Author
Mr. Sang Whang, Korean born, came to the United States of America in December 1951 at the age of 20. He studied electrical/electronic engineering at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn where, in 1956, he received his BS in Electrical Engineering, summa cum laude and his MS in Electronics in 1966.
In addition to being an engineer, Mr. Whang is a scientist and an inventor with many U.S. patents. His fields of expertise span from areas such as data communication devices (modem), electronic filters, chemistry, water, to cornea measuring devices, mult i-focal contact lenses, etc.
He was the Vice President of Research at a large telecommunications company in South Florida, a company that he rescued from bankruptcy by his invention of the high-speed modem in 1966. From 1968 to 1988, he participated in the development of international standards on data communications at CCITT (Consultative Committee on International Telegraph and Telephone), a UN organization headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
He was part of the United States delegation representing the State Department.
He is listed in Who's Who in the South and Southwest.
Mr. Whang's latest discovery is the scientific understanding of the aging process and the method of reversing this process.
He wrote Reverse Aging in 1990. In the eight years since its publication, more than 30,000 copies are in circulation, strictly by word of mouth. Over 3000 copies are in the hands of scientists and medical doctors, and his theory of aging and reverse aging has not been challenged or questioned.
Mr. Whang has an impressive list of church and community services. Being an ordained elder of Presbyterian Church USA, he serves on various boards and councils of Korean Presbyterian Church of Miami, Presbytery of Tropical Florida, Synod of South Atlanti c, General Assembly, National Korean Presbyterian Council, and Synod Korean Presbyterian Council. In 1991, he was the Vice Moderator of the General Assembly PCUSA, the first Asian-American to be appointed to that position.
Mr. Whang's community work started when he moved to South Florida in 1964. The following year, he founded the Korean Association of Greater Miami. Since then, he has been very active in the local community, especially with the following organizations: A sian-American Federation of Florida, Asian Arts Festival (Homestead), Festival of Asia (Delray Beach), Korean American Community Relations Council of Florida, Miami-Dade Chamber of Commerce, Miami Korean Chamber of Commerce, Korea Americas Society of South Florida, Art Renaissance Foundation (Arizona), Korean Cultural Foundation of Greater Miami, Chinese American Benevolent Association, Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, Miami-Dade County Sister City Program, and Miami-Dade County Community Relations Boar d. Mr. Whang is the first Asian-American to serve on the Miami-Dade Community Relations Board and is the Chair-Elect for the year 2000. One of Mr. Whang's special community interests is the promotion of harmony between the Korean-American community and the African-American community.
The board of directors of the Miami-Dade Chamber of Commerce voted him "Board Member of the Year 1996" for his fundraising efforts to provide college scholarships to African-American high school graduates. He is the recipient of the 1998 Essie Silva Community Builder Award given by the United Way of Miami-Dade. Mr. Whang devotes most of his time to the pro motion and preservation of community peace and harmony among the different ethnic groups that call South Florida home.
Excerpted From Chapter 10:
Important facts to remember
The important thing to know is that we age because we accumulate acidic waste products. Therefore, if we get rid of these wastes, especially the old ones, we can reverse the aging process. We can even eliminate the symptoms of adult diseases if no irrev ersible damage is done already...
Better than life or health insurance
Ordinary insurance does not prolong your life, nor does it eliminate health pays when you die or when you are in hospital, usually too late for anyone to do any good. And it stops paying when the sky rocketing hospital expenses run over the coverage limit.
Knowledge and action
At the beginning of this chapter, I said that the first step in reverse aging is to understand the cause and the process of aging. However, knowing the fact that alkaline water will help you dispose of acidic wastes does not help you at all unless you dr ink alkaline water yourself. Too many people that I know are intellectually smart but they don't know how to translate their knowledge into action. To them the effect is just the same as if they didn't know. We are our own nemeses
In a free society, we control our own destiny. After all is said and done, it's your own decision if you are going to live a long, healthy life or not. The amounts of money people spend for automobiles, entertainment devices, etc. are so high that the e xcuse that "it cost too much" doesn't hold water. It's our closed minds that are our own nemeses.
Book Description
Not science fiction, but a scientific fact! This book is the first common sense scientific explanation of the aging process and "how to" reverse it.
The nutrients that we deliver to our cells burn with oxygen and become acidic wastes after giving energy to our body. The body tries its best to get rid of these acidic wastes through urine and perspiration. Unfortunately, our lifestyle, diet and environment prevent our body to get rid of all the wastes that it generates.
Gradually, these leftover acidic wastes accumulate somewhere within our body. Since acid coagulates blood, the blood circulation near the waste areas becomes poor, causing all kinds of degenerative diseases to develop.
The author defines the aging process as the accumulation of non-disposed acidic wastes within the body. According to this theory, the reduction of accumulated wastes is re verse aging. This book explains how some of the adult degenerative diseases are caused by too much acidic wastes, and describes the various scientific devices and methods to reduce these wastes without any harmful side effects.
These devices and methods are being widely used in Japan. Alkaline water makers (water ionizers) have been in existence in Japan for more than 40 years. Many in the alternative health industry of water ionizers, magnet and far-infrared devices regard this book as the most comprehensive and up-to-date reference book of its kind in the English language. It is a "must read" for all who are health-conscious.

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