Blood and Tissue DetoxTo cure our bodies of tissue toxicity we need to detox, we need to remove the poisons from our bodies, alkalize and oxygenate the cells. If you see a festering pile of rubbish, with flies and maggots swarming around it, your wouldn't blame the flies or try poisoning them with chemicals would you? You'd remove the rubbish, clear the mess and the flies and maggots would disappear. As they say it's a dirty job, but someone has to do it. That someone is YOU. You are the one responsible for your health. Fortunately, there are simple ways to get the job of detox done quickly and efficiently, with relatively little cost or pain. Two excellent aids for effective detox are the Water Ionizer and the FIR Sauna. These have been developed in Japan, Korea and Taiwan. The Water Ionizer produces alkaline water or microwater, which is simply the best water you can drink. If you don't do anything else for your body, do this: drink plenty of pure water, preferably ionized water or microwater as its called in health circles. Dr F B "You are not sick, you are thirsty". He explains that the many illnesses that plague millions of people worldwide spring from a simple unrecognised cause - we don't drink enough water. When our bodies eventually cry out painfully in protest, we call those desperate thirst signals asthma, diabetes, arthritis, angina, obesity, Alzheimer's, high cholesterol and hypertension among many other maladies A silent revolution is now happening in the fields of health and preventive medicine; it is the use of alkaline ion water, FIR wave technology and an alkaline diet to detox. In Japan alkaline water or microwater has been successfully used to treat a range of degenerative diseases. It has become so popular that bars and nightclubs now use it to make ice and mix all their drinks. Japanese drinkers claim that when they use it, they don't get hangovers the next morning no mater how much the drink. This is because the alkaline microwater neutralises the acid by-products of alcohol and flushes them out of the body before they get lodged in the liver and other tissues. Dr Theodore Baroody, amongst many others, uses alkaline ion microwater as a therapeutic tool in his clinic. He says : "It is my opinion that this technology will change the way in which all health care providers and the public approach their health in the coming years".
"What I am telling the world is to drink alkaline water in order to wash out acidic wastes, the universal cause of many adult diseases.... The important thing to remember is that we age because we accumulate acidic waste products. Therefore, if we get rid of these wastes, we can reverse the aging process. We can even eliminate the symptoms of adult diseases by these processes if no irreversible damage is done all ready." This book was first published in 1991, 5 years after the author was introduced to a water ionizer and alkaline water. The Far Infrared Sauna (FIR)FIR Sauna is a form of light or heliotherapy that uses the very beneficial radiant penetrating energy of the infrared band of natural light to sweat out the toxins from our bodies. It allows you to detoxify your body, purify your skin, increase energy, lose weight and strengthen your immune system while you sit and relax for 15 to 30 minutes a day, three or four times a week. Sang Whang says: "During the last decade, a silent revolution in the fields of healing, preservation, cooking and heating. It is the use of safe and efficient Far Infrared (FIR) Wave technology, replacing the potentially harmful micro wave technology." Sang Whang continues: "Dr Yamazaki reports successful treatments of many other diseases by use of FIR waves, treatments not only be her but also many other doctors. The list of diseases includes: stress induced chronic diarrhea; numbness; shoulder, back and knee pain; rheumatism; low blood pressure; diabetes; radiation exposure related diseases; asthma; etc. Dr Yamazaki attributes the successes of the FIR wave treatments to the capability of FIR waves to remove toxins from the body... I am not recommending people to buy FIR saunas to cure their own diseases...[but] to prevent the accumulation of toxins and acidic wastes for the purpose of staying young and healthy." Drinking ample quantities of alkaline water (microwater) and using the FIR sauna regularly are two major steps on the road to detoxifying your body. In addition, there is: Fasting and ColonicsThe process of digestion requires a lot of energy. This is why you feel sleepy after eating a large meal (particularly if its something like a steak and potatoes). The body will stop other bodily functions such as house cleaning, removing toxins, to process the food that you supply it. When you stop eating for 24 hours, the body starts to detox. For this reason, it is good to fast periodically. The idea is not to torture yourself. In the detox program developed by V.E.Irons, you won't feel hungry. The process is described in detail by Reid: Fasting and Colonics Webcleanse: Daniel Reid's Internet based detox and cleanse programDaniel Reid is a living Taoist master. He has devoted most of his life to the study and practice of Reid's books are a minefield of practical information for anyone wishing to detox, improve their health and vitality. They have revived and brought the ancient wisdom of the Tao to the world. Doing a complete Detox program as outlined by Reid is probably the most important thing that you will ever do for your health and the quality of your life. Due to the nature of the program (it will change your life, but you need a kick-start) many people feel that in addition to the book they need additional support. This is now available on-line via the webcleanse internet-based detox and cleanse program. This program provides expert guidelines by Reid and his assistant Dave. You will also join an on-line community of people that are also undergoing the same program, experiencing the same emotions and reactions as you are. Detox Diet and Weight LossIt's well to remember that most of the toxins, the poisons that we accumulate in our bodies were put there by us from the food that we have been eating. Detox is about removing the toxins as well as limiting the intake new toxins. To do this we need to be selective in what we eat; we need to stop eating processed foods, junk food and start eating whole foods. Why do we get fat?Obesity is an unnatural thing that is very rarely seen in nature, except in domestic or farmed animals. Of the countless species of animals in the world, some that eat all day, man is the only one that gets fat. Why is this? Man is the only one that cooks and processes his food. It is actually quite difficult or impossible to get fat if you eat raw, natural foods. Farmers know that you can't fatten up cows and pigs if you give them raw, natural foods, no mater how much you feed them. To get fat you have to eat a particular kind of diet:
This food is precisely what we get from the supermarkets; it's well advertised such that we think we can't live without it! Truth is as the Super Size documentary showed, such food will kill you if you eat enough of it. If you don't want to get fat, if you want to be healthy, then don't eat this kind of food. Eat food that is alive and wholesome. Eat mostly raw foods, so that the enzymes and nutrients are present; select foods that provide your body with the best nutrients; avoid processed foods and franken-foods. Its well to remember that by the time you're 18, you'll have consumed your body weight in preservatives, additives and other poisons alone. Much of this junk will remain in your tissues unless you detox, and stop eating any more of it. Detox DietA good detox diet is not about limiting calories; it is not a starvation diet. It is simply a mechanism for providing the body the best nutrients that it needs and cutting out the junk. Eat food that is alive and has the best nutrients. These are whole unprocessed foods, preferably organic; raw foods such as fruits and salads, fruit and vegetable juices; cold-pressed oils, pulses and sprouted beans, nuts and seeds, fresh herbs and spices. Eat foods in the right combinations - don't eat foods that fight in the same meal. Avoid foods that are harmful and provide limited nutrients, things like: wheat products (bread, cakes, biscuits, etc), white rice, pasteurised milk, dairy products, alcohol, caffeine, table salt, processed foods with artificial additives, fried foods (except lightly in olive oil), artificial sweeteners (aspartame), fizzy drinks, hydrogenated fats, squashes and cordials. Avoid diets that are unnatural like the Atkins Diet. Re-educate your taste buds such that they like nutritious, wholesome, natural foods. Aim for natural detox diet that will become a way of life for you, and will in the long run be the most effective. Please read: Colon DetoxFor a real, effective detox you must remove the accumulated rubbish and toxins from your colon; unless you do this you will not assimilate nutrients properly, no matter how good your diet. You need to get to the root of the problem, which is your gut. Its a very simple process, I have been doing it for almost a decade. This is something that you need an initial kick-start for, and then you'll do it for the rest of your life. For more details, read: Mind Detox, Relaxation and Life StyleWe need to change our lifestyle from a fast, mad-dash, stress filled life to a relaxed mind and body, factors that effect such things as our immunity to disease and are very beneficial to our health. Relaxing the mind means not taking your thoughts seriously, letting them go, being free from them. Compulsive thoughts are just as toxic as the environmental toxins that we are surrounded with. The mind is a good tool, but if left unchecked, left in charge, it becomes a tyrant. Look around you, the wars, the killings, the ever more sophisticated, efficient and powerful bombs, the fear, the hatred, the fascist global police state, the multinationals, the pharmaceutical cartels, the drugged society, the greed; the divisions amongst people, the worried, unfriendly, unhappy faces, rushing to their graves - what is it that you are seeing? You are seeing the effects of the tyranny of the mind. The unconscious mind that has been left to run riot is being reflected in the world that you are seeing. Free yourself from mental tyranny and external and pollution. They are one and the same thing; one is a reflection of the other. Think of it as detoxing your mind and your body. Start by drinking plenty of pure water and possibly relaxing in a portable sauna. The evenings are for many people the best times for using the FIR sauna and relaxation. You can watch television or read a magazine as you do this, but a much better option would be to relax your mind as well as your body by 'sitting still, doing nothing' for 15-30 minutes. Start by focussing attention on your breath, consciously make the breathing deeper. Observe any thoughts that arise, try not to identify with the thoughts, remember that you are not your thoughts. You are not the thinker either. You are the awareness, the presence in which thoughts arise. You are that which is aware of the world of form, the world of thought. When you find yourself occupied by a thought, try to get to the space before that thought arose. Focus upon the space between thoughts, on the inner stillness. As you get uncomfortable, which you quickly will, try not to resist the bodies detox process; just relax and let it happen. After the sauna you will feel very relaxed and energised. Take a shower, stay relaxed and alert; avoid focusing on any thoughts. Continue with the deeper breathing, maintain your attention on the breath and in your body and not on any thoughts. This mental relaxation, the 'switching off' of the mind (a state of no-mind) while remaining very alert and present is the essence of meditation. For more details, read: Detox ProgrammesMini Detox and the Water HabitWhen you drink ample quantities of Alkaline Water (microwater) and relax in the FIR sauna, you give yourself a mini detox, each time you do it. Get into a routine, get into the 'water habit'. Drink 2-3 large glasses of water first thing in the morning, another glass or two after every couple of hours or so throughout the day. Drink alkaline water as a snack. Keep in mind that just by drinking microwater, you are giving your body exactly what it needs the most. Microwater contains ionic bio-active alkaline minerals, alkaline water, abundant antioxidants (OH- ions), and micro-clusters so the water will easily penetrate and hydrate all your cells. You need to drink plenty of it; there are some 73 trillion cells that need to be hydrated, and you need to drink it regularly. After a few weeks or months of alkaline water and relaxing in your FIR sauna, you might want to try a full 7 day detox program. 7 Day Detox and Cleansing Program by V.E.Irons/Reid (a personal experience)I have been practising alternate therapy (Shiatsu, Aromatherapy, Chi Gung) for over 20 years. Some 8 years ago I did my first Seven Day Cleansing Program, involving a 7 day water fast, with daily Colonics as designed by the late V.E. Irons, one of the worlds leading authorities on therapeutic detoxification for health and longevity. I followed the instructions described by Daniel Reid in his excellent book, The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity. I purchased a Colema Board (a simple device invented by Irons that allows you to safely administer your own colonic irrigations) from the Colema Boards of California in the US, and when it arrived, I took the plunge.....
Though a 7 day fast is not as easy as just drinking alkaline water and relaxing in an FIR sauna, it's not bad as it sounds because you take psyllium powder with lots of water, so you don't feel hungry. In addition you take a supplement called Green Life, which provides your body with all the nutrients that it needs, in an easily assimilated form that doesn't interfere with the detoxification process. You can do a 3 Day water fast initially, and get your body used to the detox process. The process is described in detail by Reid: V.E.Irons: Pioneer of Fasting and Colonics to DetoxifyV.E Irons was born on January 23, 1895 in West Virginia, USA. He graduated from Yale University in 1919. He was diagnosed with a crippling arthritic spinal ailment called ankylosing spondylosis at the age of 40, doctors told him he would be soon confined to a wheel chair. This was back in 1935.
His experience and the complete cure it effected within 14 months led him to devote the rest of his long life to research and development of this natural way to detoxify and heal the body. In the 1950's he was imprisoned for publicly stating his revolutionary views on human health and healing and refusing to recant them under legal pressure by the medical establishment. In an ironic turn of events, 30 years later President Reagan heaped public praise on him for his excellent work in health and presented him with a national award for contributions to the science of longevity. Irons remained healthy and active throughout his life, starting a second family at the age of 72 and fathering his last child at the age of 80. He died in a car accident at the age of 98. Daniel Reid dedicated his book The Tao of Detox to Irons and said: "During the course of his life, V.E.Irons perfected a system of self-detoxification based on fasting and colonic cleansing that this writer regards as one of the most important contributions to modern medicine and world health in the 20th century." I and many others that have followed Irons 7 Day self-detoxification and cleansing program over the years owe him a debt of gratitude that can not be measured in monetary terms, for it has given us life, health and vitality. |